VCP7-CMA – Objective 2.1

Disclaimer: These are my notes from taking the 2V0-731 exam. If something doesn’t make sense, please feel free to reach out.

The goal of this objective is to understand how to manage the tenants within your environment.

Objective 2.1 - Create and Manage Tenants


Create a tenant by logging in with system administrator (administrator@vsphere.local by default), go to tenants page and click add. Grant tenant administrator & IaaS administrator access as part of the wizard.

Local users can be created per tenant, either as part of the creation process or by editing the tenant.

The administrative access in this section is talking about the difference between System Administrator, Tenant Administrator & IaaS Administrator:

Role Name Permissions
System Administrator Create Tenants, Manage tenant permissions
Tenant Administrator Manage all the configuration for the tenant. Assigned by System Administrator when creating tenant. Can also be assigned by another Tenant Administrator within the tenant
IaaS Administrator Can manage all the infrastructure (System Wide). Assigned when creating a tenant

The unique URL for each tenant follows the same format:
